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“Yummy” Review – Facelifts, Boob Jobs and Zombies!!

Writer's picture: Mark's Dark CornerMark's Dark Corner

Ahhhhhh yes…Yummy.

This was great fun!

I will say that I really love a horror movie with great depth and storyline, with mind-bending twists that make you really think, and creative stories that really make you wonder or think “what if…?”.

Then there are the other times. Those times where you just don’t want to think at all while watching horror, which happens often to me. You know…when you really want the gore, and tons of it! And you could go for some corny crude humor. And, sure..., nudity thrown in there, too. Why not?

Yummy is the latter, hands down, absolutely.

It was so much fun!

I didn’t exert my brain once in my watching of this über bloody zombie movie, as the visuals of the gore, naked bodies, and craziness unfolded before me.

Don’t watch Yummy if you don’t like foreign flicks where you have to read subscript, if you don’t like lots of blood and gore, or a re-done stereotypical zombie flick.

DO watch this if you’ve liked what I’ve described, so far, as to what this movie represents .

Yummy’s storyline finally: A young couple, Alison and Michael (a.k.a Pooky as a terms of endearment), along with Alison’s mother, drive to an Eastern European hospital for some planned plastic surgeries.

Alison is headed there for breast reduction as she is apparently an F-cup, as we find later. The movie accentuates on exactly why she wants to bring down the size several cups as men ogle her from a vehicle next their care, and many others she comes across through the movie. As well as the back pains she gets. Her mother, Sylvia disagrees as she has been on the other end of the surgical knife to add breast sizes, nip, and tuck other body parts. Speaking of which, she’s joining them on the trip to get a face-lift while there, as well.

Upon arriving at the hospital, it appears there are a plethora of surgeries that can be, and are being, conducted at this seedy questionable clinic. Among other deeper darker secret things…

Michael begins to get extremely nervous about the surgery for his loved one, not because he doesn’t support her in her decision, but because of the atmosphere and the characters they meet at the hospital. One such character is Daniel, which is an employee at the clinic, but what he does there isn’t exactly clear. He does turn out to be somewhat of a drug user who steals from the hospital, so not quite the trust-worthy person.

You get the idea of the place.

Daniel escorts the concerned Michael/Pooky away from where they are to perform Alison’s breast reduction. Where he is taking him, and why, is also questionable. However, it leads us to the scene that sets this whole movie off into a non-stop zombie blood-fest.

While Daniel is routing around one of the rooms for drugs to steal, Michael hears a woman struggling and moaning in another room. He investigates and finds a woman strapped to a bed with a hard plastic covering secured firmly over her mouth. Michael, ever the knight in shining armor, removes the affixed mouthpiece.

And away we go to a zombie movie…

I’ve already mentioned what I liked about Yummy. The movie is full of gritty bloody gore and zombie violence. I love zombie movies, and Yummy fulfilled that love. The zombie makeup work is excellent and really graphic. Also, some of the zombies themselves were very creative. I mean…this is a plastic surgery clinic, after all. There’s also a scene where one of the zombies is sans legs, eating its own intestines, and you can see some sort of ooze (its intestines being processed by what remains of the digestive system?) coming from its stomach. Sorry to ruin that one for you, but it was a GREAT zombie! I kind of geeked out on it and other flesh-eating undead.

Yummy has been noted as a Horror Comedy, which I agree with overall. However, I would say that the humor in this movie was either a dark broody humor or, at times, corny and flaccid. Pun certainly intended. But the humor would be quickly followed up by a straight up serious devastating scene. So, you will be laughing one moment then disturbed and covering your eyes the next.

Unfortunately, some (if not most) of the blood splatter is done by using CGI and it’s very noticeable at moments. This took away from the superb makeup done on the zombies themselves. Also, I’m not sure I particularly liked the ending of the movie, but overall, in the end, we are talking about a zombie breakout leading to the zombie apocalypse. So, it was acceptable. There are also continuation flaws throughout the movie, like blood on a character’s face disappearing, then reappearing within a couple of scenes.

But hey…we aren’t looking for anything close to perfection here in this movie. Yummy is for a zombie blood fest quick fix.

And if that sounds great to you, get to it!! And let me know what you thought of Yummy.


Released: 2019

Rating: NR

Director: Lars Damoiseaux

Writer: Lars Damoiseaux & Eveline Hagenbeek

Stars: Maaike Neuville, Bart Hollanders, Benjamin Ramon Clara Cleymans

IMDB Rating: 6.0 out of 10

Rotten Tomatoes: 69%

With Subscription to as of Blog posting: Shudder (Can be rented on iTunes, Prime, Vudu, etc.)


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