Okay, So this one isn’t one that I would spend money on buying, maybe a rent if you’re like me and want to try out kind of B horror movies. Rose, the main character, works in the fashion industry, wanting to be the “in” for fashion design. Through a series of crappy incidents at a party, she ends up in a terrible accident which ravages her face. In the hospital you’re shown the result, pretty damn brutal and terrifying, part of her cheek and lips literally torn off her face exposing her gums.

Stumbling onto an experimental procedure, that she qualifies for for free (first red flag) she undergoes a stem cell treatment that results in 100% reconstruction AND THEN SOME. Not that this character was ugly prior, but after the surgery she’s more beautiful than before and has a new found energy for designing, gaining her old job back and even designing the show stopper dress for her employees fashion show.
The first part of the movie began intriguing enough, seemed to be decent acting, not over the top cheesy like most B rated Horror.
Nothing comes free, as you know, and things start to seem even more fishy when she’s given her ‘medications’ and ‘shakes’ that she’s to consume when she eats food, but things start to go very wrong and she starts ‘hallucinating’ drinking peoples blood. Before you know it, there is an outbreak of what doctor’s think is Rabies (hence the title I think). Some good gore and jumps here as the 'rabies' spreads through a hospital and in the city.
Without spoiling the movie and the entire story line, though, there is a point in the movie where all of a sudden, I was sitting there going, WTF, did I miss something and what the heck is going on right now????
In the climax of the movie, we're at the location of the fashion show, and Rose's sister has been bitten by someone on the train on her way to the show and Bob's your uncle, all the models are starting to show symptoms.
The makeup is pretty good for the effected ‘rabid’ but I have to say that sadly, the reveal falls short and left me wanting more action… with a far-fetched resolution which left me saying… meh…(insert shoulder shrug). But if you’re into watching the B movies, it was better than a lot of those out there…