No One Will Save You is a 'silent' but not silent tense film
I wish I could have seen this movie in a theatre. No One Will Save You released on Hulu, like Hulu’s other ‘original’ movies. But it would be amazing in theatres with the incredible sound editing and score. No One has but one single line (two words, I believe), other than that, the entire movie has no dialogue, but it doesn’t require dialogue.
Director and Writer: Brian Duffield (known for writing Underwater and The Divergent Series).
Cast: Kaitlyn Dever (Brynn) Zack Duhame (“mailman”). Kaitlyn is the main and really the only character focused on throughout the movie.
Where to watch it: Hulu

This movie just happened to pop up last weekend when it started streaming on Hulu when I was scrolling through, I thought ‘well, I’m not drawn to the alien abduction horror movies typically, but the preview was good, let’s give it a shot’… and I’ve honestly not stopped thinking about it since.
What was so great about it? Well, given the fact there is no talking through the movie, the performance that Kaitlyn Dever gives is spectacular, her abilities in playing Brynn, an outcasted anxiety riddled hermit in her town facing down an invasion (let’s call it that) all on her own proves that she has some serious talent. With no talking, you’re focused on action, body language, facial expressions alone, and the effects.
Typically, we talk all the time on The Bloody Reel that most horror movies ‘show too much’. Our imaginations can see very little and then fill in with that overactive imaginations better than any CG creature can. Well, set that all aside for this movie. The creatures (aliens) are shown a lot throughout, however, if you want to be schooled in how to show your creature, monster without ruining the movie, this would be the poster child for that example.
No One develops this character, Brynn, and her situation, again with no speaking required, and merely minutes into this film you are sitting on the edge of your seat, and you will not move (or breathe) after that. It is 93 minutes of adrenaline filled action packed terror.

One note of warning, the ending is a smudge on the odd side, not a deal braker, but.. unexpected.
Overall, I gave it a good rating and HIGHLY recommend it as a horror/creature watch.
Carissa's Reel Review Rating
