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The Bloody Reel

"The 2020 Quarantined Horror Movie Tournament"

Has Crowned a Horror Champion!

Movie Madness Bracket

And the results are final! The tournament has ended on a high note!


Our Champion is: THE SHINING!


The Shining received 71% of the votes in the final poll against Jaws. That's a pretty significant win in the finals, and is similar to the way The Shining has won in this tournament along the way.


So, cheers Danny, Jack, Wendy, Tony, Stephen King, Dick Halloran, Room 237, and all the spirits of the Overlook Hotel! Have fun celebrating the win!


We've come a long way from April 10th, when the very first matchup was released and voted on by Horror movie lovers! Predators (2010) faced off against Black Christmas in the Mini-Tournament to fill our 64-Movie Horror Bracket. And, here we are. Finals are complete.


Down below, you see the final updated bracket as the tournament has come to a close. Thanks to all who participated, it was a fun trip along the way!!



Welcome to the Bloody Reel March Madness Horror Movie Bracket!


Why did we do this?


Since we missed out on a certain sports bracket-style March tournament this year, thank you COVID, we thought it would be Bloody fun to create, and host our very own tourney, but with a more horrific twist! Welcome to the Bloody Reel's version of the tournament used for Men's & Women's college basketball; "The 2020 Quarantined Horror Movie Tournament", as we're calling it.


This was a 64 Movie Tournament-Style seeded competition, just like the real tournament "Dance". But, unlike the college basketball tournament, YOU get a say / vote in who wins.


For our tournament, there were four separate Regions: "Dead Marshes Region",

"Haunted Forest Region", "Blood Moon Region" and finally the "Graveyard Region"


See the results of the entire tournament below!



64 Movie - Quarantined  Horror Movie Tournament

The Finals Results.png

The FINALS! Poll Results:

Finals Poll Link.png

64 Movie - Quarantined  Horror Movie Tournament

Graveyard Region Week 5 Result.png
Dead Marshes Region Week 5 Result.png
Blood Moon Region Week 5 Result.png
Haunted Forest Region Week 5 Result.png

Pre-Tournament Horror Match-up Results

Mini-Tournament Results 4.13.20.png
Reese Snapshot Image.png
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